Thursday, June 15, 2006

Two Keiths: A Comparative Analysis

I've been skimming through a book by Keith Richards, Director of Language Studies, Aston University, Birmingham England--"Qualitative Inquiry in TESOL" ( 2003, Pelgrave MacMillan, Great Britain). Back jacket notes: "(it) introduces different research traditions and embraces whole research process"

There's nothing on television. It's about 140 F outside. I have to return the book to the school's Professional Development Library on Saturday. Can't think of a better time killer than putting together a short comparison of quotes by Keith Richards (the academic) and Keith Richards (the master of the Telecaster).

Do I really need to cite who is who?

"Knowing what to record comes from experimenting with one's memory."

"Separate your vowel movement from your bowel movement and make sure it fits the music."

"Ultimately there is more at stake than intertextual authority or creative integrity. . ."

“If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.”

"Given the fallibilty of human memory, the general rule is the fresher the better."

“I never thought I was wasted, but I probably was.”

"Constructivists seek to understand not the essence of the real world, but the richness of the world as socially determined."

“You've got the sun, you've got the moon, and you've got the Rolling Stones”

"By the time you have a good picture of the lie of the land, you will already have encountered some key texts."

"The Kamasutra I've been through a few times, come to think of it. I've done the chandelier, and the revolving table with melon."

"As the life story history is analysed, certain key events, or epiphanies, will emerge that will have particular significance in an unfolding story. . ."

'My life then basically was 'Do I have the dope to start this day off? Can I make it until the next fix? It was an adventurous experiment that went on too long."

"The focus in research is often on marginalised groups."

"I reckon there are 3 reasons why American R&B stars don't click with British teeange fans. One they're old; two they're black; three, they're ugly."

'We live in an interview society where techniques of self presevation are becoming second nature."

"How would you like a smack in the fuckin' mouth? You wanna learn to keep your fucking mouth shut or someone might put their fist in it."

"If we truly seek to understand better the professional world we inhabit, we need to be sensitive to all aspects of the ways in which it presents itself to us, and aware of our place in it."

"It's always a shock when I walk out & realize I'm in Jamaica, Munich, Los Angeles."

"It is possible to work within certain traditions without thinking too hard about its intellectual foundations."

"When I started, all I wanted to do was play like Chuck Berry"



Blogger booda baby said...

Whatever this is an example of - it's like making history and the universe into a puzzle, but not a puzzle that makes much of a scene, just a wacked and wonderful - well, as you say,'time killer' - Wait. Where was I? Oh. Whatever this is an example of, it was REALLY cool.

Thanks for assembling.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Aston University

3:12 AM  

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