Monday, July 30, 2007

Babba Bazorq

The Rose and I have a code phrase for the rounded fellers--and by rounded I don't mean well versed in numerous arts and sciences--but the Thai holiday oil field trash who look like Butterball turkeys wearing hook-'em horn cowboy belt buckles and Peterbilt caps. You see these fellers waddling along places like Khao San Road with these size double zero chickadees, their rented companions during their stay in Bangkok. Babba Bazorq is Farsi for Grandfather. In Spanish I believe the phrase is Viejo Raho Verde. In American English, we simply call them cradle robbers.

Now Babba Bazorq has a secondary connotation. Me. I might possibly be getting too old to lug a sixty pound back pack through the tropics. The Rose, I must say, did just fine. As long as she was haggling in the open air markets trying to beat a sales person out of fifty cents on a two dollar skirt, she was having the time of her life. I'm proud of her.

The airport bus is heah. We're on our way back to Abu Dhabi.


Blogger booda baby said...

How you feeling, Babba?

You know, with just some minor fiddling with the instruments, you could call YOUR band Babba Bouzuki.

Sigh. Just because I can alliterate, doesn't mean I should. (can I do that? Turn it into a verb?)

8:37 PM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

I've been a free range verb herder and rodeo noun clown since the time of high button shoes, a handsome Keith Richards and uni-sex leg warmers.

Any time you can lasso an -ate on a word's hind quarters, you've roped yourself a good eatin' verb.

9:27 PM  
Blogger booda baby said...

You oughtn't show off like that. What is it you're supposed to have? Typhoid? Dysentary? Ptomaine poisoning?

Aren't those supposed to leave you at least a little mentally disabled?

8:23 PM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Dengue Fever! Mental disability came with my chromosomes, although agitation is a symptom. So now I have an excuse for assholic fits.

Apparently Cambodia has the highest rate worldwide of Dengue Fever.
My probable causes: Going with an off-brand mosquito repellent and not closing the door fast enough.
The cure: Acetaminophen and lots of Gatorade.
Too bad. With typhoid you get severe loss of appetite. I was hoping to fast track my way back to size 32.
Oh-there is already a Long Beach based band called Dengue Fever, some Khmer/L.A./Psychedelic Surf band.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Ebriel said...

Great to finally see a photo of the Rose! She's lovely.

Hope you two had a great holiday...

7:57 PM  

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