Not Dead Yet
The last profile picture I had up was titled "Dead on Arrival". D'Rose snapped it in the back of a tuk-tuk at the end of a long day, round midnight, in Thailand last summer. We'd been sight seeing at this Wat and that Wat (Wat, Wat, Wat!) then we shopped till she dropped and somewhere along the way, we hooked up with our good friend Kevin who had in his possession a pocket full of happiness he was glad to share with me. One was purple. The other pink.
I've been asked to display something a little pleasanter, so I've uploaded onto my profile a photo that was taken more recently while I was laid up with a severe groinal muscle spasm. The happiness in the new photo is genuine, or legitimate, or, more accurately, legally prescribed by a medical professional.
Ha! Legally prescribed's the new genuine.
Wait. I have to retract some of that 'ha'. H. This week, I'm thinking it actually IS. Legally prescribed or well corked.
That can't be good. But, as long as there's a winescrew and/or a prescription ... who cares? So it all works out.
I'm trying to do more math. This was my day's effort.
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