Monday, January 05, 2009

We'll climb that hill No matter how steep/ When we get up to it!

The views are breathtaking. The altitude won't let me have enough air to have my breath taken away. I met a Sherpa Inn owner yesterday who wore an Obama for Prez campaign button. Her sister lives in Santa Barbara, used to work for some CNN-famous talking head lawyer, Jesse something.

There are many off-the-beaten path villages I have envied and dreamt of one day retiring to, a Gauguin-like "love-them-locals" in search of my own Picairn Island.

Here, in the Himilayas, just across the border from China, in the shadow of Everest, is not a place I envy. I can find an Internet cafe obviously. What I really really want is a hot shower.


Blogger sageweb said...

wow what great the kitty.

7:38 AM  
Blogger booda baby said...

You know, that's not right, just NOT right that the world is this/that tiny. There oughtn't be an Obama for Prez button anywhere to be found in the Himalayas.

There should, however, be air.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Ebriel said...

Hooray - you're doing it!!

Makes your readers tired just hearing about the thin air...

3:00 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Hey Sage--the lil bugger conned me out of a can of tuna.

Booda--Poor Obama. If he can't bring a Kennedy or two back from the dead within the first six months, a lot of people are going to cry "false prophet"!!

Liz--it's doin' me.

8:36 PM  

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