Saturday, March 21, 2009

Larry King

This Onion video is a hoot.

I have my own spin on a Larry King interview.

Larry King with Jesus as a guest.

"So Jesus. Welcome to the show."

"Thank you Larry. It's good to be here."

"So. I hear you used to be a carpenter. What was that like? Do you miss it?"

NASA Simulator Prepares Astronauts For Rigors Of An Interview With Larry King


Blogger booda baby said...

Did they run you out of the country>

I watched this ages and ages ago, but thought I might give you a nudge by telling you how funny it was. They still allow THAT in Abu Dhabi, don't they? Funny shit?

7:08 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Hi Booda,
I'm waiting till the end of the semester to find out if someone printed out a naughty page or one that vaguely hints at a political discourse not entirely keeping with the local ideology. Then I'll know if I'm to pack bags and cats and make an exit.

Thanks for the nudge. Maybe I'lltest the waters again soon and post something safe like how I feel about the new comforter I bought last week or the events surrounding the need to take a cat to the vet's.

7:14 AM  

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