Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Roxanna Saberi

Oddly enough, his presidential campaign slogan was "We can do it."


Blogger booda baby said...

Ahmedina-etcetera did not. Really? Stop. I used up all my irony chips today.

That's ANOTHER one of these apps that failed me the other day. I tried hard - almost desperately - to twitter about a justice system. I'm not any kind of believer in absolutes, but nevertheless, I expect justice to ... well, you can finish that yourself. I'm WAY over 140 characters.

Hey, I quit twitter. And then realized it wasn't such a bad thing at all. Are you still toying with it? If so, please tell me your address. I looked you up. There are about a trillion people with some combination of your names.

6:10 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

I've been on a human rights/civil liberties jag lately. Maybe it's listening to BBC radio, which reports on Africa a lot more than the US, maybe its because they seem to be drying up here and there (here!) due to the economic mess. In SOME places that had in recent years been known for a miraculous building boom,construction has stopped as foreign investors have pulled out and it is illegal to mention this any longer in the press without facing huge fines and prison time.

I twittered for about a day then realized I didn't thikn anyone was interested in when I'm having my coffee--what with Facebook and this blog, I already have enough places to rant.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

And yeah--that really was his camapign slogan.

6:39 AM  
Blogger booda baby said...

So weird you were taking a break from Twittering. Jeeeezus. You're good (and probably one of the better examples of what micro-blogging's good for). Anyway, I really enjoyed your tweets when I was Canada-ing it.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Only Booda could turn "Canada" into a gerund/present participle. In a past participle form, is it "Canaddid" and Canadidn't"?

10:24 PM  

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