Friday, April 10, 2009

Hillary's Debt

I originally hoped that the skirt would have become president, and subscribed to her website. I continue to get spammed by Hillary dot com. Today, James Carville tried to hit me up for five bucks to help pay off her campaign date. Like hell.


Blogger booda baby said...

Yah, I know it's mind-numbingly expensive to wage a campaign these days, but I don't care. It WOULDN'T be if the electorate were literate. Ads? ADS?

I feel the same way about all the candidates. To my mind, it's strangely ironic (meaning it's not quite a straight irony, but has a few wrinkles could stand being ironed out)that a trillion gazillion people could raise record amounts to usher in a presidency but then get all crankety when the government doesn't bail out main street.

Maybe it's not ironic. Maybe I'm just an idiot.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Looks like a open and shut case of bang on irony to me, no need to qualify it. As for Hillary--I KNOW she can dip into her (and his)pocket and pay it off. So what if she'd only be left with a mil or two. If anyone owes her, it's Bill. So he has to add a few more key note speaking events to his calendar.

Me? I'm waiting, finger and toes crossed, for Al Franken to go to Washington. I wanna see how his schtick plays out on the senate floor.

James Carville putting the bite on my for a finn,,the noive!

Oh--and is it I-Ron-ee or

7:37 AM  
Blogger Sling said...

But..but..I might actually get to go to the finale of American Idol!..
..just sayin'.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

the finale of American idol. . .the finale of American idol. . .the finale of American idol. . .(cue harp music and dissolve to me being given a ticker tape parade)

8:47 AM  

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