Friday, April 30, 2010

All Things Must Pass, I Guess

Last night I channel surfed from news station to news station, from Orbit Plus which runs all the US news shows (from the earliest of the early morning news shows through Nightline) to BBC World, to Al Jazeera, over to CNN--back and forth. I was even tempted to look in on Fox but didn't have the stomach for it. 

Now and then I'd run to the computer and check out news Tweets, World Wildlife Tweets. 

Then 'round midnight, the over-the-counter sleepy time meds kicked in and I dragged myself to bed convinced there would be no new news till morning.

"What's going on?" the missus axed as I slid myself between the sheets, snaking my legs through lumps of snoring cats, careful not to wake them.

"Looks like it won't hit landfall till tomorrow, maybe Saturday."

How like August 29, 2005 it all felt.

Gather round children, we'll be saying for years to come. This here is what it used to look like.


Blogger booda baby said...

Is that footage ... accurate? (I can't think of what else to call it when what I want to know is stuff about them alligators.)

I am so sorry for the recurring pain of New Orleans. What a high concentration of human error.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

John Sayles does it (the wetlands, the Atchafalaya Basin) justice in this movie. Check out CC Lockwood's photos. He's spent his life trying to preserve the wetlands. At least we'll have his photographs to remember them by.

6:38 PM  

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