Sunday, May 23, 2010

Know What I Think?

Spalding Gray once mused that as a liberal, he had to question everything, even his liberal points of view, and he asked the question, "What if I'm wrong? What if they're right?" 
What would we left-of-centers be saying about the president if we still had "W" in office? How would we react if "W" had said he planned to form a committee to look into it?

Here's a thought--let's invite the CEO of BP and some Louisiana fisherman to sit together with the president in the Rose Garden and knock back a few cold ones, maybe take some "everybody make nice photos", put them on Facebook. Or we could pass a flag burning amendment. Yup. That'll fix everything.


Anonymous Marco said...

Yup, sure will.

5:31 PM  
Blogger booda baby said...

I'm with Spalding Gray. I really think liberals and progressives owe it to liberalism to be rigorous or vigorous or one of those words that sort of rhymes about the whole application of standards.

So, what have you to say about the Kevin Costner funded brother's system?

Frankly, although I don't know at ALL, I'm thinking there are probably brilliant engineers all over the world who could be invited to that little Rose Garden sit down and THEY'd cook up something pretty quickly.

Shit. It must be making your heart hurt, hm?

4:52 AM  
Blogger Mimi's Pa said...

Our "Wo D'at?" Superbowl glow sure faded fast, Ms.Booda. The mile long straw didn't work. Why not grasp at the Costner brothers' straws. The Gulf of Mexico took a bullet for the west coast and eastern sea board. Let's hope the death of the wildlife and fishing industries will learn us.

5:43 AM  

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